Ask no man

No More Contention is the pursuit of clarity, charity and understanding. Contention arises from the compulsion to have others agree with us. Seeking understanding in an environment of clarity and charity produces no more contention. As Joseph Smith said, "I will ask no man to believe as I do."

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Three broad categories

In a sense, contention is inevitable and unavoidable because every individual is unique, and no two people agree on everything.  Ideally, we...

Monday, March 3, 2025

Is civility possible?

Andy Kessler's article in the WSJ:


there are calls from the media for civility. Now? We have a long history to overcome. Mark Twain, a 29-year-old San Francisco-based opinion columnist for a Nevada newspaper in 1865, was spewing venom, saying of the police, “Wax figures, besides being far more economical, would be about as useful.” Pianist and comedian Oscar Levant in 1940 said of his morning routine, “First I brush my teeth and then I sharpen my tongue.” Same.

Incivility became a favored tactic for activists. In 1971 Saul Alinsky wrote “Rules for Radicals,” which became the bible for the Obama and Biden administrations. Rule 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” Rule 13: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Rude, but effective.


In 2017 the Washington Post cited Godwin’s Law: “As an online discussion continues, the probability of a reference or comparison to Hitler or Nazis approaches 1.” In 2016 the Post’s website ran this headline: “Don’t compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. It belittles Hitler.”


Is it over? Is society so depraved that life will never be civil again? In January, this paper quoted Jacob Mchangama, founder of Justitia, blaming cancel culture on “our species’ hard-wired tendencies toward tribalistic behavior and the self-righteous urge to punish outgroups who transgress taboos.”

Your taboo is my ballyhoo. Tribalism and self-righteousness are hard to combat, but not impossible. It has to start early and locally, in our education system and within our families and communities, to instill a sense of civility. Maybe someday.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Three benefits of friendship-Ulisses Soares


Friendship does not require us to share identical religious beliefs or always agree with one another. In a recent conversation with my dear friend, Pastor Bob Roberts, at the Global Faith Forum in Washington, D.C., we discussed our shared interest in religious freedom and working together to accomplish good in our communities. Spending time with friends who have different views and trying to understand their perspective offers at least three benefits beyond just enjoying friendship: 1. It strengthens our love and compassion for one another. 2. It broadens our perspective and can lead to greater insight. 3. It helps clarify and strengthen our own beliefs, allowing us to express them more clearly and confidently. The world would be better and more peaceful if more people joined together and sincerely tried to understand the perspectives of those who think or believe differently. We are all children of God, which makes each of us spiritual brothers and sisters.

More detail:

Yes. 👍 It also seems clear the adversary distorts tolerance and empathy to spread wickedness and darkness throughout the world. I love how the prophets & apostles bring clarity to true principles in the face of the world's philosophies of men mingled with scripture.