Ask no man

No More Contention is the pursuit of clarity, charity and understanding. Contention arises from the compulsion to have others agree with us. Seeking understanding in an environment of clarity and charity produces no more contention. As Joseph Smith said, "I will ask no man to believe as I do."

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Three broad categories

In a sense, contention is inevitable and unavoidable because every individual is unique, and no two people agree on everything.  Ideally, we...

Monday, March 3, 2025

Is civility possible?

Andy Kessler's article in the WSJ:


there are calls from the media for civility. Now? We have a long history to overcome. Mark Twain, a 29-year-old San Francisco-based opinion columnist for a Nevada newspaper in 1865, was spewing venom, saying of the police, “Wax figures, besides being far more economical, would be about as useful.” Pianist and comedian Oscar Levant in 1940 said of his morning routine, “First I brush my teeth and then I sharpen my tongue.” Same.

Incivility became a favored tactic for activists. In 1971 Saul Alinsky wrote “Rules for Radicals,” which became the bible for the Obama and Biden administrations. Rule 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” Rule 13: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Rude, but effective.


In 2017 the Washington Post cited Godwin’s Law: “As an online discussion continues, the probability of a reference or comparison to Hitler or Nazis approaches 1.” In 2016 the Post’s website ran this headline: “Don’t compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. It belittles Hitler.”


Is it over? Is society so depraved that life will never be civil again? In January, this paper quoted Jacob Mchangama, founder of Justitia, blaming cancel culture on “our species’ hard-wired tendencies toward tribalistic behavior and the self-righteous urge to punish outgroups who transgress taboos.”

Your taboo is my ballyhoo. Tribalism and self-righteousness are hard to combat, but not impossible. It has to start early and locally, in our education system and within our families and communities, to instill a sense of civility. Maybe someday.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Three benefits of friendship-Ulisses Soares


Friendship does not require us to share identical religious beliefs or always agree with one another. In a recent conversation with my dear friend, Pastor Bob Roberts, at the Global Faith Forum in Washington, D.C., we discussed our shared interest in religious freedom and working together to accomplish good in our communities. Spending time with friends who have different views and trying to understand their perspective offers at least three benefits beyond just enjoying friendship: 1. It strengthens our love and compassion for one another. 2. It broadens our perspective and can lead to greater insight. 3. It helps clarify and strengthen our own beliefs, allowing us to express them more clearly and confidently. The world would be better and more peaceful if more people joined together and sincerely tried to understand the perspectives of those who think or believe differently. We are all children of God, which makes each of us spiritual brothers and sisters.

More detail:

Yes. 👍 It also seems clear the adversary distorts tolerance and empathy to spread wickedness and darkness throughout the world. I love how the prophets & apostles bring clarity to true principles in the face of the world's philosophies of men mingled with scripture.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Maximally truthful

We achieve "no more contention" by pursuing clarity, charity and understanding.

This means everyone involved values maximal truth.

The first step is clarity because contention arises when ignorance prevails, when claims are inconsistent and/or irrational, and when people argue about inaccurate caricatures of others' positions. Clarity also reveals motivations, biases, assumptions, inferences, and values that drive interpretations and theories. 

This is the essence of the FAITH model.  

As it applies to AI:


“I do worry about AI. Because we are creating an intelligence that ultimately will be far more intelligent than any human, and ultimately more intelligent than the sum of all humans. In creating AI, we need to be very careful. It's like having a genius child: You want to have that child grow up with good values. The most important thing in training AI is that it's rigorously truthful. This is very, very important, essential. My concern about a lot of the AIs that are being developed is that they're trained to lie. In some cases, with potentially disastrous consequences. When Google Gemini came out, people asked, which is worse, misgendering Caitlyn Jenner or global thermonuclear war? And it said, misgendering Caitlyn Jenner. That's a problem, guys. If this AI becomes super powerful, it could decide that the best way to avoid misgendering is to kill all humans, which makes the probability of misgendering zero. It's very important to have AI be maximally truthful and curious, and love humanity. Very important.” Source: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, October 2024

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Facts for Peace

One way to eliminate contention is to talk about facts.

Good example" an Arab Muslim Zionist Educates College Students on Israel and The War!

Monday, December 23, 2024

Division isn't so bad...

 Andy Kessler is a columnist for the Wall St. Journal who usually has useful, thoughtful pieces.


Division Isn’t So Bad

When disagreeing, learn to move on from the argument and think ‘let them.’

American culture is built on division. Left vs. Right, Coke vs. Pepsi, Ohio State vs. flag-planting Michigan, Classico vs. Rao’s, Red Sox vs. Yankees. Kanye West vs. Taylor Swift. Maybe you’re tired of it, but you can’t get rid of division.

Donald Trump has said, “The discord and division in our society must be healed.” Good luck with that. Then again, Joe Biden said we have to choose “between unity and division.” It never happened because it isn’t in any politician’s interest to heal divides. So we get “the vast right-wing conspiracy” and “own the libs.” Division is here to stay. The rest of us need to learn how to deal with it.

The Biden years encouraged division by identity for the pursuit of power. It ended up costing Democrats the election. The Trump 2.0 years will probably be about division by nativism—we were here first. Or we made stuff here first. Yes, “decentering whiteness” vs. tariffs. Voters chose. Hey, you can’t have it all.


it’s better if everyone stays engaged. Despite, or maybe because of, our differences, America is still the greatest country and pulling away. We’re so free we can argue about our differences without the threat of being arrested. Our envious stock market has left the rest of the world in the dust. China seems to be languishing. In the European outdoor museum, few work. They sit at cafes and caffeinate all day.

The U.S. sets the tone for the rest of the world. Not only by paying for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the United Nations but culturally. Even spiritually. On a visit to Kraków, Poland, my wife and I used the very American Airbnb to book a food tour. Highly recommend. Our guide was an engaging and overcaffeinated 20-something who couldn’t let go of her designed-in-California iPhone.

Plus, sprinkled throughout her dialogue were familiar expressions: “Bada boom.” “What were you thinking?” “Could I be any more hungry?” It took a few minutes before I realized her words and mannerisms were straight from the American TV show “Friends.” It’s the new “Sesame Street” for learning English.

Yes, the world devours our culture and incorporates it into their own. Same for the internet. Detractors like to call this “digital colonialism.” (Of course they do—anything to have America as an oppressor.) But no one forced our guide to speak “Friends.”

This country is strong precisely because we don’t all think the same way. New ideas come from new ways of thinking. When you vote, you get some of what you want but not everything. Life is about compromises. The extremes of the left and right make the most noise, but we’re still governed from the center. Our political divisions today might seem like the Grand Canyon, but pre-1989 Berlin was about real and quite literal divides. Ours are wafer thin in comparison.

For those who don’t like Donald Trump: Get over it. Stop threatening to leave. Many didn’t like the Obama years. I cringed with every utterance of the socialist concept of equity during the Biden years. People dealt and moved on.

You can too. Think of saying to yourself, “Let it be.” Yes, words of wisdom. Or as billion-view podcaster Mel Robbins suggests, say “Let them.” She describes it as a “life-changing mindset hack.” Hey, who doesn’t want that? I watched (briefly), and her theory is best summed as “stop trying to force other people to do what you want them to do, and so much more peace will come into your life.” Peace out.

When disagreeing, the impulse is to say something else besides “let” before “them.” But as long as you’re not threatened, not competing on a woman’s swim team or being told what to do, let them talk. Let them use up their hot air. Let them wallow in their own BS. If you’re right (of course you are) it will only take time for your brilliance to be exposed. Then you always have the age-old “Toldja!” in your back pocket. You’ll be itching to use it, but don’t. It’s less divisive and way more effective if left unspoken.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

those who don't agree with us


As fellow children of our Heavenly Father, it would do us well to talk with and listen to the thoughts and ideas of those who don’t agree with us. If we do this with an open heart, we’ll be blessed to understand one another and become a force for peace.