Ask no man

No More Contention is the pursuit of clarity, charity and understanding. Contention arises from the compulsion to have others agree with us. Seeking understanding in an environment of clarity and charity produces no more contention. As Joseph Smith said, "I will ask no man to believe as I do."

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Three broad categories

In a sense, contention is inevitable and unavoidable because every individual is unique, and no two people agree on everything.  Ideally, we...

Monday, December 30, 2024

Maximally truthful

We achieve "no more contention" by pursuing clarity, charity and understanding.

This means everyone involved values maximal truth.

The first step is clarity because contention arises when ignorance prevails, when claims are inconsistent and/or irrational, and when people argue about inaccurate caricatures of others' positions. Clarity also reveals motivations, biases, assumptions, inferences, and values that drive interpretations and theories. 

This is the essence of the FAITH model.  

As it applies to AI:


“I do worry about AI. Because we are creating an intelligence that ultimately will be far more intelligent than any human, and ultimately more intelligent than the sum of all humans. In creating AI, we need to be very careful. It's like having a genius child: You want to have that child grow up with good values. The most important thing in training AI is that it's rigorously truthful. This is very, very important, essential. My concern about a lot of the AIs that are being developed is that they're trained to lie. In some cases, with potentially disastrous consequences. When Google Gemini came out, people asked, which is worse, misgendering Caitlyn Jenner or global thermonuclear war? And it said, misgendering Caitlyn Jenner. That's a problem, guys. If this AI becomes super powerful, it could decide that the best way to avoid misgendering is to kill all humans, which makes the probability of misgendering zero. It's very important to have AI be maximally truthful and curious, and love humanity. Very important.” Source: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, October 2024

1 comment:

  1. AI is only as useful as it's humanly created source data that it consumes & analyzes. Censored data isn't there. Existing data includes human errors. Trust but verify? No, Mistrust so verify.
